What We Want and Why We Want It
"What We Want and Why We Want It" by Rev. Paul J. Bern amounts to a counterattack against those who profit from rampant economic inequality at the expense of the US general population. This book outlines ways to combat this, and it takes the US military-industrial complex to task, as well as blaming capitalism for doing such a poor job of taking care of American citizens. This book is written for those who long for change in the way the government looks after the needs of the people, and who are unafraid to take on the job required to fix it if the government won't.
Written in a combination populist and progressive style, this faith-based nonfiction book chronicles the ongoing demise of the US middle class and what Rev. Bern calls, "the ticking time bomb of inequality". This new book spells out the American people's demand for free health care, free higher education for everyone without qualification, an end to the Drug War that includes prison reform, repealing and replacing the federal income tax, and the need for a $15.00 per hour minimum wage. Best of all, this literary work explains simple ways to fund all of the above. This recently released book is a must-read for everyone who thinks America is headed in the wrong direction. Originally inspired by the 01/06/21 insurrection in Washington, DC, this is the book that smacks the political establishment right between the eyes. The American people want free health care and free public education for life. Nothing less will do! Has several chapters devoted to the US military-industrial complex and describes how it can be replaced. A must-read for every one of voting age.