Occupying America: We Shall Overcome
This nonfiction and politically charged Ebook chronicles the rise of "Occupy Wall St." and its sister movement, "We are the 99%". Starting with a chapter on the history of revolutions, this book outlines modern revolts, starting with the Arab Spring all the way to the present as it traces the history and significance of the Occupy and "99%" movements up to the present.
“Occupying America: We Shall Overcome” by Rev. Paul J. Bern. Written in the style of an investigative reporter, this 290-page nonfiction book is simply the most exhaustive, comprehensive books about the history and anthology of the “Occupy Wall St.”, “We are the 99%”, and “Black Lives Matter” Movements published so far. This is the definitive book on the state of American political dissent in the early 21st century. First published in 2012, it ended with a prediction of mass civil unrest in the US and other capitalist countries due to the extreme concentration of wealth in favor of the top 1%. That is exactly what has happened, hence its re-release in this newly updated version.